The RIGHT book…with the RIGHT timing…with the RIGHT marketing strategy makes all the difference in reaching your goals in today’s competitive book industry.
Integrating your distribution with your marketing efforts creates greater time and cost effectiveness as you launch new titles and develop stronger sales in your backlist titles.
With 30 years experience in media and marketing in the book industry, Sharon Castlen, publishing consultant and book marketer, recognizes that each client is unique. Each has different levels of experience, brings different skills and has varied amounts of time to bring to each project. So we work individually with each client to develop what is best for their books, their authors, and their publishing company.
‘Honoring Strengths and Outsourcing Weaknesses’ is key for success for any author or publisher. No one can do it all. Integrated Book Marketing strives to learn what each client wants to achieve, and the skills and resources they bring to the table. We then encourage them to do what they can and want to do, and then provide the additional elements needed to help reach their goals.